So I was super excited for this milestone, feeding Londyn cereal for the first time. I went to Target purchased 3 different kinds of Earth Best's organic food. Like I said before with all the crap food has in it I will go organic as long as I can. I have this weird fear of plastic, like nails down a chalkboard. I don't know why and yes I know it's very odd. The plastic has to be thick like plastic spoons and forks that are thin drive me crazy. So I researched some different bowls online to find the perfect one that won't freak me out. So I was set to feed Miss Londyn. I read the directions put 1 tablespoon of cereal and 3 of formula and my doctor said make consistency of apple sauce. Well the whole thing confused me. The directions on the box were confusing I won't even tell you what I thought you had to do to make the cereal. I was then confused as what to do when we were out. I already bring her whole room now I have to carry all this food. The whole timing this confused me. I must have called my sister and friend a million times. I'm happy to say I have it down pat now.
So eating was a success, at least it looked like it was. Below are some pictures and video to capture the moment. Stayed tuned next month for veggies, YUMMY.
{Not so happy towards the end} |
{ My baby eating her first solid meal- she is getting so big! }
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