It was April 14th Wednesday and I was 36 ½ weeks pregnant. I was depressed the night before because everything I did my sugar was still high and I was frustrated. So I decided to take the day off. I get a phone call from Christina (my friend for 28 years who was due May 8th the same day I was) telling me her ultrasound showed that her baby was too tiny and his heartbeat was slowing down then going up. I ran right to the hospital. She was worried and said it’s too early I can’t go now. I said it’s fine when will we be ready, you know you have to be there for your friend secretly I’m thinking wow I could go early too and yes it’s too early my bag wasn’t even packed. I come home and fall asleep at 10pm. At 11 I wake up with such pains that I didn’t know what they were. I tired to sleep them off but kept waking up every hour. Josh decided to sleep the whole time all I heard from him was what should we do go to the hospital then back to sleep. I told him to time my contractions. Good thing we went to a 4 hour birthing class but figures Josh forgot how to time them. So I took out my iphone stop watch and it said 5 mins then 3 minutes apart. I still thought I was doing it wrong. I called my mother no answer, my sister no answer finally my brother in law answered the phone. Gab suggested I call the doctor. Doctor said I was probably dehydrated. YES YES my friend at work had false contractions and she was dehydrated so I must be too. So no baby let me drink some water. Yah that didn’t work! At this point I couldn’t sleep that’s how bad they were. Then at 5 am my water breaks. Josh of course had to see for himself and then he said so we can go to the hospital and then come back. NOPE josh this is it we are having a baby today. I was excited but nervous that nothing was ready! Was I ready? I took a nice shower and straightened my hair and did my make up. Got all ready for what to push out a baby (I will never look good for birth again). Got to the hospital at 6 am and wasn’t dilated so they gave me potosin to get things going. The pain was unbearable. My doctor said let us know when you are ready for the epidural. Not to long after that I was ready for the drugs and I highly recommend them! After that I figured the hard part was over, well that’s what my mother said. At around 515 I was 10 centimeters dilated. Then I got nervous my life was going to change very soon and I was scared to have this baby. Then my contractions stop. At 630 I started pushing! and pushing and pushing!! At this point I didn’t care if I boy came out. In my head I was yelling c section!!! Well I actually said it out loud to my sister. All the things I was against vacuum I just didn’t care anything to get her out. Finally after 2 hours she arrived Miss Londyn Scarlett Rhodes 5 lbs 11 oz 18 ½ inches long April 15, 2010 8:34 PM. Her cord was wrapped around her neck & could have been the reason why she wasn’t coming out. After all that I was exhausted! I just wanted to eat and sleep. Everyone left me sitting there to see the new baby, typical. She was a gorgeous little peanut. It’s been 3 months & 23 days, the best days of my life thus far.
Since I am starting this a little late and I don’t know much about designing blogs I will catch you up with pictures and then continue from there. So far she is laughing, cooing, smiling, sitting up, and rolling over. At 2 months she weighed 9 pounds so I assume she is 11 pounds now. Since she was pre term she has some catching up to do but still is my perfect little doll.
Since I am starting this a little late and I don’t know much about designing blogs I will catch you up with pictures and then continue from there. So far she is laughing, cooing, smiling, sitting up, and rolling over. At 2 months she weighed 9 pounds so I assume she is 11 pounds now. Since she was pre term she has some catching up to do but still is my perfect little doll.
Mommy HAPPY from Epidural
Daddy and Mommy excited to meet you (after epidural)
Happy Birthday Miss Londyn Scarlett!
When I first laid eyes on you!
Daddy cutting cord
You meeting grandma -Melanie
You meeting Nonna - Pam
You meeting Nonno- Peter
This is a picture of you meeting cousin Lyla for the first time. She was speechless and once you know Lyla you will know she never gets speechless. She came the night before to meet you but hospital rules they wouldn't let her in, she was so upset. She made sure she was gentle with you just like daddy said. When she sees you she tells you how pretty you are, gives you kisses and tells you she loves you. She coughed on you on the car ride home from hospital, Josh said OH no Lyla you can't cough on her. She said I can't touch her, I can't cough on her, I can't do whatever to her, what can I do? It was super cute! I am so happy you will be close in age and get to spend the rest of your lives together.
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