Dear Londyn,
Lately I have been so emotional. There is this song by Lady Antebellum - Need you Now and it brings me to tears every time it comes on. (Once you are old enough and can listen to the words please don't think I'm crazy because it talks about drinking and by no means should make me think of you.) When you were in my belly this song was popular. I would get teary eyed anticipating when you would enter my life. I cried the other day watching someone on youtube tape their baby rolling over, and this was a stranger video. I never thought I would be this happy! You make my life complete. That sounds so cliche but it really is true. You are my pal and made me realize I will never be alone ever again. You make me smile when you smile and laugh when you laugh. When you reach another milestone I love it but also get sad because it's true how fast it goes. You have given me patience something that I have lacked before. I cared about my appearance in the past now what's a little spit up on my new jeans. I would always think how ridiculous those mothers were that always busted out with their babies pictures and now all I want to do is show you off to the world. I can't wait to spend our lives together and what makes me happy is that one day you will feel this joy when you have a family. You are of course reading this after you finished college, got married and are an adult :) Mommy loves you SO much!!!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
A lil elephant - knitting project
Look at me, I can hold my head up
Finally Londyn and I had a day to relax. She even slept in till 8:30 so I woke up the latest I have in a long time 7:30am. Yes that is late for me! Josh is working again for the fourth Saturday in a row. My plan was to do the laundry, run to the mall and craft store. I accomplished everything. Londyn was great throughout the day then after our photo shoot she got cranky. I'm enjoying nap time now. After our busy day we played outside in this beautiful 80 degree weather. Londyn was showing off holding her head up. Sorry for the drool in the video, you have to catch these moments.
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{ Almost } |
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{ I got it mom } |
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{ I'm so proud of you Londyn } |
Friday, August 27, 2010
I heart you Friday
I really don't have much to say on this fine Friday. I am happy that the week is over and looking forward to maybe, just maybe sleeping in a little. Londyn has been very hard to put down this week. I'm not sure if it's her new food situation, her sleeping too much during the day or teething. Last night I was so tired I put her to bed at 9 pm and told Josh I was going to sleep, apparently I must of passed out and didn't even hear her on the monitor. Good thing I'm not a single mom! So anyway have a great weekend I'm looking forward to doing nothing. I got a few new applications on my IPhone to change pictures and I love it! This application shake it photo does sort of a old fashion Polaroid picture.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Dylan Christening
The morning was hectic. We have been to get together's but nothing where we all had to get ready and be on time to church. Church started at 12 and we arrived at 12:05, good timing for forgetting her stroller blocks away and running in the pouring rain. I would say the Christening service was nice but I couldn't pay too much attention. Londyn tune toy started playing music while the whole church was quiet. Then she started crying and I forgot the most important accessory the pacifier! So daddy had to take her out of church. The rest of the day was really nice. Londyn was up most of the day so I thought it would be a good night, I was wrong. She must have been off because of the party she kept us up what felt like all night but was only like 3 hours.
Here are some pictures from the day.
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{ Alyssa } |
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{ Londyn & Dylan - Dylan dad and Godmother } |
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{ Londyn- the scratch on her nose is from me, by mistake!} |
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{ Mommy best friends } |
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{ Lyla and Londyn } |
Saturday, August 21, 2010
What was I thinking...
First off I want to say that blogger changed the way they save drafts. When you are done with draft it doesn't go to the day you wrote the blog but to the day you finish it. I don't like that. So throughout this blog it might be out of order I wrote this one on Aug 17th. Anyway I must not worry I fret over too many things in life.
Today 8/17 was Londyn's 4 month well visit. I was really excited for her to start eating cereal, but also sad because this was the first well visit I couldn't attend. I started work 3 weeks ago and it hasn't been easy. Well I must say the first week was easy, it was nice to get out of the house and talk to adults. The second week I missed her a lot. It's great that she is the happiest in the morning so I get to enjoy 1/2 hour with her in the am before going to work. It's just hard for me working in NYC getting up at 530 AM and coming home at 7 PM spending 2 hours with her and then putting her to bed, then myself to bed. When is there anytime to do anything and try to be a perfect mother? I need a cleaning lady and personal chef!
So who do I trust the most to make sure they get all the information at doctor visit? Well I figured I would send Josh and even sit with him to explain what questions I had and what he needs to do. Make sure you listen to what we need to do as far as cereal, make sure ask these two questions, maybe I wasn't clear on the LISTEN point. I don't want to bash him since this is a positive blog but I will never send him to another doctor appointment. OK I do admit I am a bit crazy when it comes to this new mother thing. I make sure I am writing down everything such as shots and I follow directions. I asked him 5 questions that I think should have been asked or remembered.
#1 What is the process with the feeding? when do I stop the cereal and start with veggies etc?
#2 What shots did she get?
#3 When should I come back for my next appointment?
#4 What does this paper from the doctor say? (because you know you can never read their handwriting)
#5 What percentile is she in?
This answer to all questions was I don't know. Maybe I went a little over board but I'm not sure why I sent him if I thought I would have to call tomorrow and ask them to recap the appointment. Uhhhh...
Anyway we will most likely start cereal on Saturday. I am going to try my hardest to feed Londyn as much organic food as I can. It's easy in the beginning so hopefully when she starts eating real food I won't slack. Here are her stats below, she gained 2.7 pounds in 2 months yay Londyn.
11 lbs 7 oz
23 1/2 height
16 head
Today 8/17 was Londyn's 4 month well visit. I was really excited for her to start eating cereal, but also sad because this was the first well visit I couldn't attend. I started work 3 weeks ago and it hasn't been easy. Well I must say the first week was easy, it was nice to get out of the house and talk to adults. The second week I missed her a lot. It's great that she is the happiest in the morning so I get to enjoy 1/2 hour with her in the am before going to work. It's just hard for me working in NYC getting up at 530 AM and coming home at 7 PM spending 2 hours with her and then putting her to bed, then myself to bed. When is there anytime to do anything and try to be a perfect mother? I need a cleaning lady and personal chef!
So who do I trust the most to make sure they get all the information at doctor visit? Well I figured I would send Josh and even sit with him to explain what questions I had and what he needs to do. Make sure you listen to what we need to do as far as cereal, make sure ask these two questions, maybe I wasn't clear on the LISTEN point. I don't want to bash him since this is a positive blog but I will never send him to another doctor appointment. OK I do admit I am a bit crazy when it comes to this new mother thing. I make sure I am writing down everything such as shots and I follow directions. I asked him 5 questions that I think should have been asked or remembered.
#1 What is the process with the feeding? when do I stop the cereal and start with veggies etc?
#2 What shots did she get?
#3 When should I come back for my next appointment?
#4 What does this paper from the doctor say? (because you know you can never read their handwriting)
#5 What percentile is she in?
This answer to all questions was I don't know. Maybe I went a little over board but I'm not sure why I sent him if I thought I would have to call tomorrow and ask them to recap the appointment. Uhhhh...
Anyway we will most likely start cereal on Saturday. I am going to try my hardest to feed Londyn as much organic food as I can. It's easy in the beginning so hopefully when she starts eating real food I won't slack. Here are her stats below, she gained 2.7 pounds in 2 months yay Londyn.
11 lbs 7 oz
23 1/2 height
16 head
Happy Birthday Daddy!
dad birthday
Rub a Dub Dub thanks for the grub, YAY God!

So eating was a success, at least it looked like it was. Below are some pictures and video to capture the moment. Stayed tuned next month for veggies, YUMMY.
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{Not so happy towards the end} |
{ My baby eating her first solid meal- she is getting so big! }
Friday, August 20, 2010
Splish Splash I was taking a bath...
After the whole belly button falling off situation Londyn took her first bath. Being fairly new at this mom thing I didn't understand when is a good time to give them a bath. She sleeps almost 16 hours a day and only wakes up for feedings. I didn't want to give her a bath after her bottle because she will spit up all her food. I couldn't give her a bath when she woke up because she was hungry and when babies are hungry they scream like they are never going to eat. So with that being said Londyn first bad wasn't a enjoyable one, the pictures show. For the record she loves baths now!
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You treat me like a dog mom..
Taking the train to work each day is an adventure in itself, lately I just can't believe the things little kids say to their parents. Today was a child telling his mother over and over "you treat me like a dog mom! I hate you!" Last week a mother was yelling at her son and he wasn't happy. He said to her " if you put your hands on me I am calling the cops". WOW I'm sure respect comes from how you were raised but how can you say this to your mother. I appreciate my mother so much more now that I know raising a child isn't easy. After I had Londyn I really just wanted my mother around all the time.
So Dear Londyn please respect your mother because one day you will be a mother and want the same respect. I know you won't be a brat!
Love you, your hard working mommy who wants to give you the world and that loves you to death!!
So Dear Londyn please respect your mother because one day you will be a mother and want the same respect. I know you won't be a brat!
Love you, your hard working mommy who wants to give you the world and that loves you to death!!
Oh poop how I have missed you
Today has been 3 weeks since I have been back to work. As I mentioned before the first week surprisingly wasn't hard. Well I did cry on the way to work the first day. The second week got harder, exhaustion and missing my little baby. These 3 weeks definitely have flown by.
My schedule is:
* Wake up at 5:30 or 6
* Get ready for work (I have looked anything but perfect lately)
* Take care of dog
* Wait for Londyn to grace me with her cries
* Change Londyn
* Feed Londyn
* Leave at 7:40
* Catch 8:00 train
* Work till 5:30
* Catch 5:52 train
* Get home at 6:45 (if this wonderful transportation isn't late)
* Try and make dinner
* Spend the 2 1/2 hours I have with Londyn
So I went from spending 15 hours with Londyn to 4. It's not easy being a working mom. For those 3 1/2 months I was home I have been changing dirty diapers everyday. Londyn has had some constipation issues in the past but that is so yesterday’s news. Last year a glass of wine or going out with my friends would make my day when now what made my day was Londyn pooping. Just seeing that little sad face or cry when she had a belly ache broke my heart. I really felt her pain.
{Side note I guess this is what mother's do. My mother was in my room for Londyn's birth. After I pushed for 2 hours and everyone left me I was white as a ghost and trying to recuperate from all that pushing I had a conversation with the nice nurse. She was telling me about her children and how wonderful being a mother is. She said I'm sure you don't want to hear this now but the second time is a lot easier. Yes I didn't want to even think of a second time but I knew Londyn won't be an only child so I was happy to hear this news. Then she told me how cute my mother was while I was pushing. She said your mother was pushing right with you. Knowing my mother I could picture her doing the same reactions I was, I thought that was really sweet. I'm sure she wanted this baby to come out as much as I did and she didn't want me in pain anymore.}
So where I am gong with the babbling is that just the other day I was sad because Londyn's pooping schedule was always in the morning and lately I have missed it. She is so happy after this movement and I feel her relief. So finally after 3 weeks this morning it happened, she pooped. Yes this is what my life has come to and I love it. I think I feel tears coming on now, over poop? If this is something to remember I look forward to the rest of her life and my many tears.
My schedule is:
* Wake up at 5:30 or 6
* Get ready for work (I have looked anything but perfect lately)
* Take care of dog
* Wait for Londyn to grace me with her cries
* Change Londyn
* Feed Londyn
* Leave at 7:40
* Catch 8:00 train
* Work till 5:30
* Catch 5:52 train
* Get home at 6:45 (if this wonderful transportation isn't late)
* Try and make dinner
* Spend the 2 1/2 hours I have with Londyn
So I went from spending 15 hours with Londyn to 4. It's not easy being a working mom. For those 3 1/2 months I was home I have been changing dirty diapers everyday. Londyn has had some constipation issues in the past but that is so yesterday’s news. Last year a glass of wine or going out with my friends would make my day when now what made my day was Londyn pooping. Just seeing that little sad face or cry when she had a belly ache broke my heart. I really felt her pain.
{Side note I guess this is what mother's do. My mother was in my room for Londyn's birth. After I pushed for 2 hours and everyone left me I was white as a ghost and trying to recuperate from all that pushing I had a conversation with the nice nurse. She was telling me about her children and how wonderful being a mother is. She said I'm sure you don't want to hear this now but the second time is a lot easier. Yes I didn't want to even think of a second time but I knew Londyn won't be an only child so I was happy to hear this news. Then she told me how cute my mother was while I was pushing. She said your mother was pushing right with you. Knowing my mother I could picture her doing the same reactions I was, I thought that was really sweet. I'm sure she wanted this baby to come out as much as I did and she didn't want me in pain anymore.}
So where I am gong with the babbling is that just the other day I was sad because Londyn's pooping schedule was always in the morning and lately I have missed it. She is so happy after this movement and I feel her relief. So finally after 3 weeks this morning it happened, she pooped. Yes this is what my life has come to and I love it. I think I feel tears coming on now, over poop? If this is something to remember I look forward to the rest of her life and my many tears.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Londyn having a bad day
You might think why is she putting up a video of Londyn crying?? At one point Londyn was very cranky. Her father thought it was a piece of cake watching a baby and being a mother. I wanted to show him what I dealt with while he was at work. Poor Londyn had gas and the crying would go on forever. I'm lucky this didn't last very long, the doctor thinks she is lactose so I changed the formula and she is a much happier baby. Hold your ears!
My those are such big hands you have..
WOW she is so tiny!! This was most likely Londyn at a week old. These are newborn clothes which most babies don't fit in. As you can see they are HUGE on her. What is up with those large hands haha.
Newborn londyn
I hope this works! I found some video's of Londyn when she was a newborn and I have never attempted to convert to youtube. YAY looks like it worked!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
First 4th of July
This was Londyn first 4th of July. I must say Josh did a good job of dressing her in red, white and blue. I totally forgot about this holiday so it's way out of order. My sister had a fun yummy party. Londyn wait until you can appreciate food your aunt makes the best! Here are pictures of our day.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Sweet words from Lyla

Your aunt Gabby told me tonight that your cousin Lyla told her she doesn't want a brother or sister. She said that she really likes you and wants you forever.
That is so sweet!!
Love you,
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Botanical Gardens

Say it isn't so!!! The summer is coming to a end. I must say that this has been the best summer ever! I got to spend it with my little bit of perfect! That being said we need to spend as much time outside that we can. What do you do with a baby that won't remember anything right now? The circus and aquarium are out of the question. So today we went to the Botanical Gardens in Ringwood, NJ. I hear fresh air and walking helps them sleep better wink wink. The weather held up until we were heading out, poor Londyn experienced some rain. What a beautiful garden! I'm in love with peonies and supposedly there was a peony garden, I didn't see one. Londyn loved the walk and Josh and I took in the scenery. Here are some pictures of our day.

Botanical gardens
Happy 4 months Londyn

What you are up to:
- cooing so loud you want to talk so bad
- rolled over once and back but now you get your hand stuck
- laughing so hard
- sucking on your hand is your favorite
- just started eating cereal
- sleeping through the night is old news it's been going on since 2 months old
- love walks
- 11 lbs 9 oz
- 23 1/2 height
- 16 head
You are just perfect in my eyes. I don't know what I ever did without you. You have given us so much joy and happiness just be being you. I heart <3 you forever.
Love, Mommy
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Happy Birthday ME!!

July 31, 2010 my 32nd Birthday. I told Josh I didn't want anything special but he really wanted to have a BBQ. It turned out to be a beautiful day. Thanks Josh, family and friends for sharing my birthday.


Dylan born same day as Londyn

I'm Beat!
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