Friday, September 30, 2011

Londyn favorite books

So far I am pleased to say Londyn doesn't really care for TV.  She loves to look at books and have you read to her.  She usually brings you a book and turns her cute little self around and sits on your lap so you can read to her, I love it.

So consistently her two favorite books are Doggies by Sandra Boynton and Where is Baby's Mommy? by Karen Katz.  Doggies gets a little old probably about the 4th time you read it.  It counts up the dog's like 1 dog yap 2 dogs yap yap, ruff ruff.  At the end of the book there is one cat and she always gets to that part points and says meow.  Where is Baby's Mommy is cute.  You have to lift the pages to find her mommy Londyn gets a kick out of it. 

So hopefully one day she will pass these books onto her baby's.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Potty training take 2

So I haven't been trying my hardest to keep up with the potty training but Londyn is taking over for me.  She usually goes at least once a day in the potty.  But it's not the potty to her it's the ba-ba.  Yes just like her bottle the potty is ba-ba.  It would be confusing if she didn't grab her crotch in the process and try to rip her pants and diaper off.  Today Kathy the babysitter told Josh i don't know all day Londyn has been saying ba-ba so I kept on giving her bottle but she didn't want it.  Oops we forgot to tell her that means potty.  I was so excited that Londyn can now tell others that she has to use the bathroom.  I just wish she would understand the pull up's.  My mother said I was the same way I never wanted to be dirty in my diaper so I went on the toilet.  The only downside is that since she has pooped on it she thinks she has to do that all the time.  Sometimes she pushes I'm scared I'm going to give the girl hemorrhoids.

I know everyone thinks their kid is a genius but everyone I tell starting to go on the potty at 17 months they are impressed.  I hope we are out of diapers before she hits 2.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 10th Anniversary

Londyn 10 years ago today was a really sad day for America.  When you grow up you will be reading of the planes crashing in the Twin Towers in New York City.  It was a horrible tragedy I am glad you didn't live through and I hope you never have to experience something like this.  Today marks the 10th year anniversary and I just can't believe how time flew.  I pray for all the families that have lost someone.  They made a beautiful memorial at ground zero and today was the unveiling.  It has all the people who lost their lives names engraved around the water fall.  I still get the chills just thinking about it and get really sad if when this day comes.  I love you and hope that you are always protected from harm and evil that happened that day.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


My baby is growing up so fast! I haven't been able to sign her up for music class so next gymnastics was on my list.  Of course I was nervous because she is so attached to us and gets shy.  So she was clinging onto my leg for a little but right when she saw the slide she was so happy she forgot who I was.  To see that smile and her laugh brightens my day! Of course we couldn't not capture her first day of gymnastics.